I'm cutting my outer Feet boy the curves are a challenge, can't wait to see the finished product since I am cutting them and putting them together not Calvin. Hopefully I won't make too many BOO BOO'S.
Also Calvin made my half Moon for my center Foot, looks pretty good just some finish up work on it. :o )
Coming along nicely!!! This inspires me to build a budget droid when I'm finished R2. I'm sure if you take your time, there wont be any boo-boo's, unless youre using JBWeld and sit in a plate of it!!! HAHAHA. What ever you do, WATCH WHERE YOU SIT!!!!!!
By the way, do those foot shells have to be reinforced with wood or something behind them?
HAHAHAHA, I heard about that now I WISH I had seen that lol.Yes mine needs to reinforced, but only in the Ankle area. Calvin said his next one will be styrene, a lot quicker and cheaper and looks just as good. Hey!!!! LOOK BEHIND YOU THERE IS A PLATE OF JB WELD!!! HAHAHA HEHEHE :O )
Yeah I still laugh my butt off everytime I think of it!!! I really didnt like working with it either. Too stiff...I couldnt spread it around quick enough. I'm definitely using silicone next time I have to bond anything. Removing the excess looks like it will be a hassle too.
Hey John get you a dental pick from the Hobby Shop that helps a lot with geting the JB Weld out of the cracks. And you won't live down the sitting in the JB Weld LOL LOL. :- )
Man..you are gonna be done yours before I am even close...you're putting me to shame!
Keep at it!! Great work!
HEHEHE sorry Jason just having fun I'm sure your move slowed you up a bit I just work a little each day after work. I'll be working on cutting the rest frame this weekend. :o )
Thats great! You guys are a factory there! You make it look so easy.
You inspired me (or made me feel guilty) so I worked on my feet a bit last night. Darn bondo....I've redone them 3 times...check out my blog! (http://hnk01.blogspot.com/)
I love your Blog you have a lot of stuff I am Jealous of and your R2 and C3po looks awesome!!!
One day SOON I will be jealous of YOUR R2!!!
Thanks! Another 5 years or so and Threepio might be done. ;)
HEHE your too COOL!!! we cut my frame this weekend went to my job they have the tools and space to work. LOL Hey is your skins styrene?? or Aluminum? :0 )
My skins are aluminum. I cut them out at work using our CNC plasma table. That was the first thing I did...oh so long ago!
I am truly impressed by your dedication and progress!
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