Monday, August 13, 2007

Frame Taking Shape

Here is my Frame I finally did some work this weekend, put some of my Frame together. I drilled all the holes with Calvin's Mill and then discovered I drilled for nothing it started to split the styrene when I tried to use screws to put together so we used Weld On glue worked perfect. :o ) more to come.


Anonymous said...

hi, may i know what is your hight for your frame?
and what kind of metarial you used for build this? plastic or wood?

Brenda's blog said...

Hello, I'm not exactly sure how high the frame is I will measure it today, as for the material I used Poly styrene. On R3 I used 1/4 thick Styrene,But now that we have Daves blueprints I am useing 3MM It's much lighter and easier. if you like my other Blog is
