Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dome Ring

I glued in my pieces of Poly Styrene today, first I glued in the 1/4 inch piece to even out the center. Then I glued in the .40 piece, the same that I used for the Skins. When the glue dries all the way I will Glazing Putty the Cracks where I put it together. ;o ).....


SuperDad said...

Looking really good!!!

Brenda's blog said...

Thanks sorry for the long delay ;o ).... I've been a little busy. I worked on my Legs and Ankle this weekend gonna post some Pics later. Oh by the way love that Rug I thought it was painted till I looked closer LOL LOL!!!! SWEEEEETTTT!!!!!


SuperDad said...


I love your reaction in Cam's video!!!


Brenda's blog said...

yeah I tried to tell Calvin to take my voice off but he would not and just laughed ;o (..... I forgot for a moment I was recording. LOL LOL


Anonymous said...

hi I'm from Jax fl and I was wanting to build one and I just don't know where to start at help and I love the color elana

Brenda's blog said...

Hello, If I can help you with any pointers just let me know I am glad to help. Which Droid are you wanting to build?
