I've added more stuff to my Dome some PC Boards wire Vex pieces I put together and yes some Lego. LOL LOL worked out nicely I still have more stuff to add on the bottom level, just waiting on some stuff to dry. It turned out to be cold again so the Paint is taking it's time drying ;o (...
more to come.
Wow....thats looking good!!! NICE!!!
I know exactly what you need...my wife has a car air freshener that it like a plastic futuristic looking disk..I always thought it looked like a good greeblie!!
Nice work!
OMG!!!! You are actually using Legos!!!! LOL.....My sons Legos are all over the place here, but never thought they would be used in a droid!!!!!! I have to admit, I am impressed. Now, take all of my sons Legos so I dont step on any more and kill my feet!!! Your droid is looking awesome Brenda.
Totally cool, keep up the good work!
Hey Victor, Thanks I'm trying to catch up with Calvin.
Hey John, Now you had me laughing so hard I was crying STOP THAT!!! LOL LOL. I love your comments ;o )
Sure I'll take the Legos!!!
Hey Man, COOL what type is it or are you just picking?? LOL LOL I will be adding my arms soon. :o )
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