Monday, October 20, 2008

Foot motor Holders

Here are some pics of my foot motor Holders, It took about 3 hours for me to get everything done. I had no problem putting the holders together, it was bolting it together. I would have 3 bolts and spacers all together starting on the 4th and, Calvin would come over and look and say, you need to do this first so all together today I assembled and dis assembled about 5 times AAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!! I still have the other foot to bolt together, Probably I will do it tomorrow after work and making dinner ;o )..... And I almost forgot..... I nearly threw it across the room I was so tired of taking it apart.


Calvin Thomas said...

It's Allways Me AHHHHHHHH!!!!
Somebody Help me!!!
I can't help myself :o)

The life of thomas said...

HAHAHA... at least you to are enjoying yourselves ;)

Very nice work brenda (..and calvin), glad you're back at it. Nice idea to paint the motor frame white. It hadnt occured to me to do that...I was going to paint mine flat-black...but maybe not.


SuperDad said...

Hey where is my comment?

Very nice work!!! Those feet kick my feets a$$!!


Brenda's blog said...

Hey Jason, Thanks NO!!! your R2 looks awesome. HUH??? what comment.Where did you leave a comment? I was on your blog the other day and didn't see any new goodies. Are you taking a break or do you have a secret??? LOL.


Hey Thomas, Thanks the A&A motor holders came white I didn't paint them. Which motor holders are you using?


Brenda's blog said...

And for you old man.... KEEP ON and R2 will have an accident HEHEHEHE.


SuperDad said...

Hey Brenda..

I left a comment here the morning before...must have clicked wrong button? secrets here. Busy with the baby and toddler....

I am thinking about building my Serenity model kit and trying to get one of those battle droid model kits. Then me and toddler can sit and work together (he will color..I will model build).

Great work guys!!


The life of thomas said...

Hey Brenda,
I just stripped the scooters down and reshaped the frame the motors came in. It seems to have worked..its black btw.
