Monday, November 10, 2008

Center Foot Progress

Here is the Center Foot, I did some putty work and then primed so I can see where I need to do more work at. Calvin added the bottom piece to it it turned out nice, I still have a little more work to do. We are working on the outter shells for my outter feet, it is very challenging. But I am not giving up yet.


The life of thomas said...

WOW!!! Looking really good Brenda.I'm getting inspired by you to start work on my next artoo....but am trying to hold back until the end of this month ;)


Brenda's blog said...

Thanks Thomas, Calvin and I worked hard on this, I still have more glazing putty to do. And he says i need to Dirty my R3 ;o ( I really don't want to but, the panels are real white you can't hardly see the cracks in the light. So I guess he is right, or maybe he wants me to because he is going to dirty R2. LOL LOL.


SuperDad said...

I'm still nervous about weathering mine....but I will one day!!


The life of thomas said...

I guess i may weather mine eventually but its kind of hard to do that after one tries so hard to make it perfect.


Brenda's blog said...

Me too ;o ( but I guess I have to do it, so it will kinda look like it did in the movie.
