Here is a Varsity Jacket Trent is having made that he will be selling it is very nice thick and warm this is a size x-small
. Also Carolyn made some R2 chocolate pops they were GOOD!!! Johnaton's wife made Awesome Brownies and rice Crispies treats. Doug and Froghopper showed ; ) also a lot of our other friends showed up. Here is one of our tables we decorated for display with some of my Pictures and Autographs. It was good to meet Jim from Alabama, there was also some more people that Johnaton brought that may start building.

Man that looks great! Nice display table!! Love the pic of Kenny Baker!!
Hi Brenda great pictures! Have another question about... yepp domes, lol. Do you or Calvin have any knowledge or have heard anything about "Dunny Domes"
I was looking into this as an alternate prospect but no one has mentioned it too much on R2 Builders. The diameter is correct but nothing about the height nor quality.. I ask you because I imagine you did quite a bit of research regarding plastic domes.
We have another Thomas around? GREAT!
I think the dome will work out, but it will be a bit small for diameter..R2 is a bit bigger than 18" I think. Also a proper R2 dome is actually taller than a 1/2 circle, but I mine isn't correct either...Calvin's would be though. The security dome seemed to be more expensive than the squirrel domes I think..and I know Chani at the astromechfactory.com is planning a run of domes...I forget her status on that but if you aren't a member you will be more than welcome to join and find out!!!
Hope this helps..Calvin, sorry to answer for u..just wanted to help out....hope I'm right on everything.
Oops...sorry Brenda..thought I was in Calvins blog..
Thanks for the info Jason. Just today I figured out my dome issue. Sometimes the answer is just too close to see. I found a plastics company about 10 minutes from me that can do a 470mm dome for 100 dollars. A little bit oversize and a little bit more expensive but because (still somewhat not offical) I'm making 2 R2 units at the same time, R2D2 and R2R6, I got a reduced rate ;-) I gotta get my R2 blog in order, sorry Brenda :)
...correction thats R2-D2 and R2-R9...nothing else ;-)
Cool I see Jason answered you question. Thanks Jason i'm going to visit your Blog today after I update mine.
HAHAHAHA!!!!Now that was toooo funny you forgot who's blog you were on Whats up with that??? LOLOLOLOL
Howdy Thomas, no problem glad Jason could help you. ; ) You guys are TOOOO FUNNY!!!! LOLLOL
Wow!!! Thats a big dome are you getting 2 domes for $100.00 or $100.00 each? thats pretty cool 10 minutes away ; )
Thanks man our next FX in January if kenny is there I will get you one. And yes we had a great meet; ) whis you and your wife could have been there We would love to meet yall one day
Hi brenda...yea thats 2 domes for $100 each... the size is pretty close to official blueprints, just 10mm off and to get anything else from outside of sweden would have costed me 3 times the price of the dome, lol. Its a taxing issue. Anyway my first orders are under way...yippy :-) and if I keep at calvins building pace I'll be finished by christmas 2010. Just kidding Calvin ;-)
Haha Clavin and Brenda are very dedicated builders...I go in spurts...
Meeting Kenny Baker eh? Sooo lucky! Get lots of pics...maybe some video!
Yeeessss, he is a very nice guy I'll get some video his time I think last time all I got wqas pictures ; )
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