Monday, November 26, 2007

Painting My Dome Ring

Finally got 1/2 of my Dome Ring Painted ; )...
I will paint the other 1/2 in a couple of weeks if the weather allows it. I figured to give the paint time to dry before I tape up for the Green, it turned out really nice. Can't wait to see the finished product ;- )


SuperDad said...

Thats my trouble..I never wait long enough for things to dry properly...I hate waiting!

Looks great!


Calvin Thomas said...

I told her to go Sit n Spin and I guess she took it for real.
Now look what happened :)
I think she's trying to out do me.
She's catching up too quick, I'll have to send her off on a boguss trip.

Brenda's blog said...

HA!! HA!! HA!! very funny old man like I wouldnt see that!!!! I know you don't want R2 to have a accident!!!! I do know where he lives HEHEHE

SuperDad said... guys are too much!

If things don't work out can I get that Watto?


Brenda's blog said...

Yeah!!! you have to keep a sense of humor. I guess he did not think I would not see that LOL and as for the Watto wellll I think I will keep him for myself and Calvin can have the House LOL

SuperDad said...

Wow.....smoking deal for Calvin!!!


Christina Thomas said...

Hey, when your done with the r3-t7, I'm going to sit-n-spin on top of
from: u know who!

SuperDad said...

Uh Oh..ANOTHER Thomas!!!!!

(I am one too)


Brenda's blog said...

Yesss that is my 15 year old Daughter being FUNNY!!!!!! LOL she has been threatening me for a long time about that. She don't want me to sell her anime stuff.LOL LOL ;o )


Brenda's blog said...

Very Funny I know where you live Young Lady!!! lol


Brenda's blog said...

Yeeesss but, I will have Watto ; )
