Sunday, January 27, 2008

More FX Pics

Here is the last of my Pics I found 3 Speeder Bikes while I was there Leia, Biker Scout and Luke. Nice find ;o ).....

More FX Pics

Here are more Pics of the show, also a pic of Shaak Ti signing my Figure. ;o )...

FX Show

Here are some Pics from the FX Show there was a lot of people dressed up this year also a lot more Star wars booths. From Ghost Busters to Star Wars and more.I also got my sealed figure Autographed by Shaak Ti she was pretty nice.I was going to get a Autograph for Jason and I from Adam West but... He wanted 50.00 so I turned around and firefly's line was so long everytime we came around we never got it. We also seen Trent there so we stoped and chatted a little bit.

R3 Updates

Not a lot of progress I've been delayed because of my hand. Poured boiling noodles and water..ooowwww!!!!
It was BAD!!!!!! On to R3 I painted the coin slots and glued them in, also I recieved my vents and kind of stuck them in to see what they look like. Too cold to paint right now ;o (... so I am at a stand still, maybe next weekend. ;o )..... Also i put in my Power Coupler.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

More Paint Progress

I've been needing to update for a couple of weeks but I've been too busy. Finally got my pieces around the panels Painted, first I put the tape on so I won't have to after I painted pieces. Then I washed everything and then painted them all. I also painted my Power Couplings had to do that by hand I painted the Silver first then I waited a week and then I painted the Green, man that was challenging getting in the small places, but it turned out pretty good. More to come.. ;o )