Monday, July 28, 2008

Pocket Vent And Side Vent & Coin Return

Here is some pictures of my Pocket Vent and my side Vent, I made the side Vents with Poly Styrene. And my Pocket vent is poly styrene and Aluminum. Also I made my Coin Return I Painted the outside with Chrome paint and the return is Aluminum Flashing.

Pictures From Toys R Us Midnight Madness

Here are some Pics of our Toys R Us Midnight Madness, Keith was first in line and we were 2ND. A big thanks to Keith for going if not I wouldn't have been able to go. It was AWESOME!!! I got the Millenium Falcon WHOO HOO!!!!
and also got some figures and the free holo grevis ;o ) There wasn't a whole lot of people there till about 10:00 then a lot showed up it was a Blast. Also some guys showed up from my space and interviewed Keith and some others.

More Pics From The Meet

Here are some more Pics of Keith and Carolyn's Jawa and Jims Robots, and Doug's R2, and Calvin and Jim.

Southern Builders Meet

Here are some pictures of the Southern Builders Meet, we really had a good time with Jim's Robots, and his R2 and keith and Carolyn's R2 Wow!!!! they looked AWESOME!!!! Doug had his R2 there his is the only one moving right now. Hopefully I will have mine moving for Mega Con, Jim already has us a spot for everyones Droids ;o ) Thanks Jim.