Monday, July 28, 2008

Pictures From Toys R Us Midnight Madness

Here are some Pics of our Toys R Us Midnight Madness, Keith was first in line and we were 2ND. A big thanks to Keith for going if not I wouldn't have been able to go. It was AWESOME!!! I got the Millenium Falcon WHOO HOO!!!!
and also got some figures and the free holo grevis ;o ) There wasn't a whole lot of people there till about 10:00 then a lot showed up it was a Blast. Also some guys showed up from my space and interviewed Keith and some others.


Anonymous said...

Looked like fun!!! I seen the Falcon a week ago at Toys R Us, and thought it was a bit pricey. But I shall have it!!!!!!! Alot of cool figures, some new Lego sets. Gotta get some extra cash!!! LOL
That Falcon is killer though! Much better than the previous versions.


Brenda's blog said...

Hey John, Man we had a lot of fun there was a lot of crazy people there. LOL They were worse than me!!! they were climbing the glass, we had one very funny guy who worked for Disney. what a commedian.