Here is some pictures of my Pocket Vent and my side Vent, I made the side Vents with Poly Styrene. And my Pocket vent is poly styrene and Aluminum. Also I made my Coin Return I Painted the outside with Chrome paint and the return is Aluminum Flashing.
Hi Brenda!!!
Very cool pictures and great to see some progress stuff. You've really done a great job. When do you think your artoo will be completely finish. Not that any of us will ever consider our artoo's completely finished ;)
Hey Thomas, Thanks!!!! I am hopeing to have most of her finished by mega con I know she won't be completely finished but close. Jim has a booth reserved for the show ;o )... thanks Jim
Looking great!! Very neat!
Love the pics from the Toys R Us midnight madness. I have checked my local wal mart about 5 times and they have NO SIGN of any clone wars toys!
Great work!
Hey Jason, Wow midight madness was a blast!!!! I think that was the best part except for the meeting it was a blast. We hung out a lot with Keith and Carolyn they are awesome, I will be posting a Picture of my millenium Falcon soon. ;o )
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