Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Horse Shoes

Here are some Pics of my Horse shoes, we still have a lot more to cut. The smaller pieces to give it the step look. Also we went ahead and drilled the holes so I can cut out the spots for my parts. And yes Calvin did the cutting on these I didn't trust myself. LOL LOL And by the way he cut all of them by Hand!!!! ;o )...


SuperDad said...

Wow..very nice!! Those look like they were laser cut!!



Brenda's blog said...

Hey, thanks man, like I said I let Calvin cut them. Now I will sand them,LOL LOL I get the hard part.
Can't you tell I was waiting on my styrene to come in, WHOO HOO I can work now. LOL LOL Hey how can I delete the spam put on my Blog last
night. ;o (.... Yeap I got hit. 4 times... GGGRRRR!!!!!


SuperDad said...

I saw that spam....ANNOYING!

Brenda's blog said...

YES I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!