Sunday, June 17, 2007

Styrene Skins

Here is my skins I had the blueprints made up at

Kinko's only $21.74 . We sprayed the back of the sheets with tack spray and temporary bonded them to the styrene. It's very easy to work with just cut with a razor knife and then pop them out. : )


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you and Calvin got the right blueprints this time. I cant wait to see how your droid turns out!!! This might be an option for me when I get R2 done. I know my son will want another one. HEHEHEHE. He likes the R4's alot, so, who knows!!! Great work so far!!!


Brenda's blog said...

Thanks my finger still has no feeling in it from yesterday hopefully it will come back. That would be cool!!!! Im going to post some of my star wars collection later. Calvin says I have too many LOL.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that are actually women building because my co-workers all think I'm a big geek. I was wondering if you could send be the file that you sent to Kinkos for the skins. My address is

Brenda's blog said...

Hi, Karyn I am also glad to see another woman building. are you building R2 or another droid? I will be very happy to send the files.Do you have a blog? and how far along are you? I'd like to visit your blog. :0 )


Anonymous said...

I just started and I'm doing my research. People weren't kidding that you really have to do your homework. It's like working on my master's thesis lol. I'm planning on doing a blog as soon as I start building.

Brenda's blog said...

Sweet can't wait to see your progress you will enjoy this as soon as you see some progress.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering where you picked your styrene from?

Brenda's blog said...

Hi, Karyn the place we got the styrene from is INDUSTRIAL PLASTIC SUPPLY INC. 2240 Dupont Ave. Anaheim Ca.92806
714-978-3520. Anything I can help you with just let me know. :0 )
p.s. .40" x24.00" x 48.00" that size was enough for front and back skins center foot and both outer feet. SWEET!!!!

Brenda's blog said...

karyn, I forgot to tell you it was 4 sheets was $27.00 and some change with shipping
